For the past two months, the majority of municipal operations have engaged in reduced roles, as the State of NewWebinar Image Returning to Municipal Operations York has been on PAUSE criteria. Soon perhaps we can look to establish an expansion in operations welcoming back employees and increasing established workloads.

The Comp Alliance Risk Management department is here to assist our municipal members in establishing new guidelines for re-opening services while easing social isolation in getting employees back to work. NYS has established a phased plan to re-open New York.

This webinar hosted by Robert Blaisdell, Comp Alliance Director of Risk Management reviews the plan, municipal requirements from the plan and our loss prevention recommendations as well, all for the protection of your employees and the public health. 

Registered members can view a recorded version of the May 14, 2020 webinar by Clicking Here and signing in to the Comp Alliance Academy/Safety Webinars.