As Covid-19 persists, so does the statewide requCovid Masksirement that all employees who are present in the workplace be provided and wear face coverings when in direct contact with customers or members of the public.  Throughout the spring and summer, we provided disposable facemasks to our members to help comply with this mandate and keep the municipal workforce safe.  As an extension of this effort, the Comp Alliance is now providing reusable, washable face masks, along with an additional supply of disposable masks, to our members.

Covid-19 has affected municipal operation by presenting new safety concerns, causing fiscal stress and significantly limiting in-person trainings and education.  The Comp Alliance has helped its members adapt to these changes by providing face coverings, issuing fiscal relief in the form of workforce reduction credits and member loyalty awards, and significantly enhancing our virtual resources and training content.  While we hope that this pandemic is behind us sooner rather than later, we look forward to assisting our members maintain the safest workplace possible for employees and the public until it is.    

Please stay safe and we wish you good health.