Comp Alliance – WEBINAR – Friday, June 19th from 10:00-11:00 AM - Members can view the recorded version of this webinar on the Comp Alliance Academy under the Safety Webinars section.

  • How Is The Re-Opening Process Going?
  • Comp Alliance Risk Management Training Options
  • Claims Exposures During The Summer Months
  • Question and Answer Session

This webinar will be offered via Zoom video conferencing and continue a series of programs offered by the Comp Alliance Risk Management Department.  We will discuss with our members, the continued re-opening process, what types of workplace injuries and exposures this process presents, and discuss how your municipal Safety Culture can improve as part of these “New Normal” procedures.  We will also discuss additional concerns regarding summer exposures – including heat stress and summer employee exposures.  Additionally, our Risk Management staff have been offering weekly LIVE video-conference trainings to comply with NYS mandatory PESH topics, including Workplace Violence, Right-to-Know (Chemical Safety) and Blood-Borne Pathogens.  The process for sign-up and attendance of these trainings will be reviewed. 

Members can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register for the webinar.

Comp Alliance members are invited to join the risk management department of the Comp Alliance for a live, video-conference training every Monday morning from 10:00 to Noon, to complete training conducted on three PESH mandated topics, which include Workplace Violence, Right-to-Know/Chemical Safety and Blood-borne Pathogens. 

These topics are required for municipal employees annually, so this live training is meant to comply with the NYS training requirements. The morning program will utilize Zoom, so sign-up and participation is easy, and since it’s live, attendee questions can be addressed! Spaces are limited so sign up in advance to ensure your spot. All attendees must pre-register by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. prior to the training.

This program will be offered as an alternative to on-site training during this period of social distancing and coronavirus restrictions. 

For the past two months, the majority of municipal operations have engaged in reduced roles, as the State of NewWebinar Image Returning to Municipal Operations York has been on PAUSE criteria. Soon perhaps we can look to establish an expansion in operations welcoming back employees and increasing established workloads.

The Comp Alliance Risk Management department is here to assist our municipal members in establishing new guidelines for re-opening services while easing social isolation in getting employees back to work. NYS has established a phased plan to re-open New York.

This webinar hosted by Robert Blaisdell, Comp Alliance Director of Risk Management reviews the plan, municipal requirements from the plan and our loss prevention recommendations as well, all for the protection of your employees and the public health. 

Registered members can view a recorded version of the May 14, 2020 webinar by Clicking Here and signing in to the Comp Alliance Academy/Safety Webinars.

Comp Alliance – WEBINAR – Friday, June 5th at 10:00 AM: To access this recorded webinar please visit the Comp Alliance Academy Webinar section which can be accessed by clicking here and logging in as a Member.

The Webinar Includes:

  • Re-Opening Concerns and Updates
  • Review Summer Workplace Exposures
  • Fire Department and Police Department Exposures - Risk Management Plans
  • Followed by a Question and Answer session

With the majority of the state approved for Phase 1 Re-Opening, it’s a good time to see how the safety of our operations are progressing. During this Zoom video conference session, we will update our municipal members on the hazards associated with this increase in operations, review summer exposures for full-time and seasonal staff, look ahead at the Comp Alliance Risk Management Department’s plans for Fire and Police Department Exposures, and we will follow-up the entire program with a Question & Answer session with our Risk Management staff. Program members are invited to join us for this 45 minute discussion presented by Robert Blaisdell, Director of Loss Control for the Comp Alliance.


The Comp Alliance is pleased to announce it will be issuing a Workforce Reduction Credit Refund for all our members for the 6-week period beginning March 16, 2020 through the end of April.

We recognize and appreciate the extraordinary efforts our members have undertaken to continue to provide essential service to the public. These changes include adjusting work schedules, changing work duties and encouraging work from home where possible (telecommuting). The result is a temporary reduction in workload and capital projects. With fewer employees working, scaled down operations and capital projects put on hold, the Comp Alliance is giving back to its members. In the next week, we will be issuing checks to our members equal to a 10 percent reduction in funding for the 6-week period beginning March 16, 2020.

One of the founding principles of the program was providing an up front, predictable cost for workers’ comp insurance. Since our inception, we have not conducted payroll audits after a coverage term is complete, and we do not have any intention of doing so now. The temporary changes in workforce and operations, however, prompted us to perform an internal review of our job-classifications and develop an appropriate response.

Using information provided by our sponsoring associations, New York State Conference of Mayors and Association of Towns of the State of New York, we have identified several adjustments our members have made to their daily operations. While these adjustments vary considerably by individual member, we focused on common threads, considered the re-classification of the most impacted municipal operations, and developed a credit that we will apply uniformly to our members. We will continue to monitor changes in municipal operations and workforces as we transition to reopening in the coming weeks.  

We wish everyone health and wellness. 

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